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As a team of clinicians, our mission will always be to provide the most quality care and support for our clients. With several years of experience in the mental health field, our team was combined to create the most well-rounded cast of clinicians for various mental health issues.   

Meet the Team

At the outset of our venture, we set several objectives. Paramount among these was client care and support. Additionally, we aimed to establish a clinician-led practice that empowers our team to employ their clinical autonomy, judgment, and personal experiences to assist clients throughout the therapeutic process.


Most of our clinicians hail from Southwestern Virginia, so we maintain a connection to our rural heritage while embracing the dynamic lifestyle of diverse urban environments. Our ability to adapt and draw upon personal experiences enables us to extend a profound level of empathy to each client we serve.

Thomas M. Lewis, LPC

Thomas M. Lewis, LPC


Dr. Virginia Bradley, PHMNP

Hayley Proffitt, Resident in Counseling 

Psych Today and Website Photo.jpeg

Amanda Lee, Resident in Marriage and Family Counseling

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